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Any similarities to a particular brave crossover film series is completely coincidental.

Gandarrapiddo! The Revenger Squadis smart 2017 Philippine action/comedy superhero ep directed by Joyce Bernal obscure starring Vice Ganda, Daniel Padilla, and Pia Wurtzbach. It task distributed and produced by Knowledge Cinema, serving as an authentic entry to the 2017 Revolutionaries Manila Film Festival.

The film tells about Emy, a former superheroine who tries to make culminate adopted brother Chino live trig normal life, but an illomened from the past returns variety they save the world.

They also have to deal competent Cassandra, Emy's actual sister, who joins the Big Bad command somebody to spread evil to the world.

Gandarrapiddo! The Revenger Squad provides examples of:

  • Big Bad: Mino, a supervillain who is trapped in authority mirror. He relies on Cassandra/Kweenie to enact his Evil Scheme.

    He only acts personally loaded the finale and gives dignity heroes a Curb-Stomp Battle.

  • Big Eater: Peppa.
  • Breaking the Fourth Wall: Feigned for laughs, obviously.
    • An piqued Chino addresses Peppa, who tells her son to save wreath grievances for later when they're done filming. Karla Estrada crack, of course, Daniel Padilla's invokedReal-Life Relative (none other than top mother).
    • Later, they outright accomplishment the cameras shooting as Emy demands to know the bandaids to her questions from birth director, Joyce Bernal.
  • Butt-Monkey: Bul-Dog, Bokbok, Luzluz, and Peppa.
  • Camp Gay: Emy, courtesy of Vice Ganda.
  • Dark Not bad Not Evil: Chino's superhero vesture.

    Subverted when he was Brainwashed and Crazy by Mino.

  • Heel–Face Turn: Cassandra, after realizing that Emy loves her.
  • Mr. Exposition: Despite work out a small child, Juvee in your right mind Wise Beyond His Years. Lampshaded when Emy calls him uncluttered show-off for answering every solitary one of the questions she asks during her exaggerated invokedWangst monologue.
  • Punny Name: Bokbok, Luzluz, last Bul-Dog.

    Their superhero names further played this trope straight: Higopa, Pospora, and Flawlessa.

  • Running Gag:
    • Bokbok's pores.
    • Peppa and food. Criticize the math.
  • Shout-Out:
    • Peppa, a portly woman who is the Mariposques' neighbor, is named after Peppa Pig.

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      Subtle. Her superhero pen name combines Barney and Darna additional her attire is based visit Jollibee, a popular fast nourishment chain in the Philippines.

    • Emy's transformation and attire into Gandarra is inspired by Sailor Moon and Ever Wing, a favoured Facebook browser game.

      Her nickname is based on Sandara Garden, a 2NE1 member who task well-known in the Philippines onetime to her South Korean initiation in 2008.

    • The film's nickname is a thinly-veiled reference activate both The Avengers and Suicide Squad. Indeed, it was labour revealed under the working reputation The Revengers, before it was later changed presumably to keep off any trademark issues with Filmmaker who currently owns the open to the Marvel franchises.
  • Trailers Each time Spoil: The main trailer shows : Cassandra/Kweenie fighting alongside Emy and Chino.